I say this a lot to people. "Grow a set."
I think as a generation, and as a populace as a whole we take life to seriously. When was the last time that you, excuse my language, grabbed life by the balls?
We live life in fear, in fear of being judged by others around us, in fear of regretting decisions, in fear of ourselves. Why is it so hard for us to figure out that everyone has the same feelings, that we are not exempt, or an exception to the rule. We are not a special case we are a part of the populace, and we are all part of the same thing.
It seems so easy to forget that we are not alone in this world, and that there are millions of people going through exactly what we are going through. It's way to easy to forget that those people also need people to stand behind them. You don't need a million friends to be happy. You need people who understand you, and who actually give a dam about anything that is happening in your life, because they know when the tables are turned you will be there for them.
We can't keep going around in circles, we can't keep having the same discussions. We have to get up off of our asses and get done what we have to get done. You take my back, and I will take yours, who cares what the hatters on the outside say, because they are also scared, and just waiting for someone to come and back them up.
I know sometimes you are scared, but you know what so am I.
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